Blood Induced Reflections
Back, drumline is over, and English papers can be procrastinated, so I hope to catch up with your progress ^^.
Song: I like how the song begins with a kind of mosdest rage, then builds up due to the sticato strings up to a blinding fury due to the added hecticness of more drums, the chanting, and the extra strings throughout the piece. I also enjoy how the last chant is like a hammer breaking the glass wall of rage that is holding compassion in, and as it breaks into a slower, sadder part with the flute and heartbeat like drum, the song begins to fade, yet starts to build again. And yeah, that is where the song stops with a forwarned ubrupt ending you had told about, right at the start of another build.
Story Time: ~On a hell blazed battlefield after "This Frozen Land"~
Our hero's and heroine's find themselves against a demonic army on a demonic plain. Loss and blood is everywhere, as both sides are recieving reinforcements purpetually, as they have found the adventure turn into a war. Fighting with blind adreneline they slash through the crowds of beasts as they slowly surround them, eventually overcoming a hero here and there. Losses are great on both sides, but only felt on one, and as they fight on despair begins to fall over them, and with a viliant slash a demonic commander falls at the feet of a hero...and he comes face to face with the one he once loved, the Hero that had saved them so many times, who had led them through their toughest times, was now lifting his bloodstained sword over his head facing directly at our hero. As this moment in time freezes in our hero's head, he reflecs upon the leader he knew him as, the great ally he once was, and the compassionate friend he once was...As the sword started it's bloodthirsty path down towards our hero's head, another suddenly rams into our hero, knocking him just out of the way, and then lay dead, and female heroine, sword in side, the previous leader staring down through his helmet in complete terror at what he had done, he had slain the one he once loved...and as he falls to the ground, unconditional weeping takes over his body, and in a shudder, falls over the once was love of his life. And with this, the battle countinues to rage around him, although he is unaware of it's prescence..We then see the would-have-been slayed hero, behind him, an axe is risen..It begins to fall..
This is where the song leaves us, an ubrupt ending on both parts ^^. Looks like we are getting closer to the end.
5/5 Beautifully done, can't wait for the full version!